Top 10k strings from Pimans Cocktail Cabinet, The (1985)(Automata UK).tzx
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14 4 2222222222222222 3 press any key.. 2 press any key )or P to copy* 2 22222222222222222 1 zBLACK VELVET 1 vTT SPECIAL 1 that use this combination of 1 rock-eater! 1 rRUSTY NAIL 1 press any key... 1 phghCrDATPOnOITPOlrDDALebATbvnSOPXuUiUnIDESUmUScNmhTGNELIgALFInRCSInRCSUixDIrDDATXENrDAXDNIkNItRATSGNItRATSKCOCtRATSDESUtQ$QgALFrDDAItNUOCIeDOCI$CtNCXDNIqrDATXENrDAGNItNUOCrDDARUCkCOCoSyac(( 1 pWHISKY SOUR 1 nWHISKY MAC 1 ingredients. 1 gVALENCIA SMILE 1 eKIR ROYALE 1 eHORSES NECK 1 by Kevin Etheridge 1 ^GIN AND IT 1 ]GODMOTHER 1 \SPRITZER HIGHBALL 1 Yellow Chartreuse 1 YGODFATHER 1 YELLOW PARROT 1 YELLOW DAISY 1 Worcestershire Sauce 1 White Wine 1 White Curacao 1 WHIZZ BANG 1 WHITE LADY 1 WHITE HEATHER 1 Used in Coctails, 1 Twist of Orange Peel 1 Triple Sec 1 Tonic Water 1 Tomato Juice 1 There are no cocktails here 1 The PIMANS Cocktail Cabinet 1 THREE MILER 1 THE PIMANS COCKTAIL CABINET 1 TEQUILA SUNRISE 1 Sugar Syrup 1 Sugar Lump 1 Stir together the lemon juice and sugar in a tumbler. Add the ice and then the whisky. 1 Southern Comfort 1 Soda Water 1 Slice of Lemon 1 Shake together all ingredients but the champagne. Strain over ice into tall glasses, top up with champagne, and serve. 1 Shake together all ingredients but the champagne. Pour into glases and add the champagne. 1 Shake together all but the orange juice. Pour over ice in a tall glass and top up with theorange juice. Decorate with a slice of orange and a cherry. 1 Shake the ingredients together, pour into glases and top up withchampagne. 1 Shake the gin, lemon juice and sugar syrup together. Strain into a glass and top up with thechampagne. 1 Shake all but the grenadine and strain over ice into a glass. Carefully pour the grenadine down the inside of the glass. 1 Salt & Pepper 1 SWEET MEMORIES 1 SILVER JUBILEE 1 SICILIAN KISS 1 SHERRY COBBLER 1 SCREWDRIVER 1 Rye Whiskey 1 QUARTER DECK 1 Q. What is big and 1 Put the ingredients into the shaker and shake briskly. Pour into chilled glasses, decorate with the mint and cherry. 1 Put the ice, rum and brandy intoa small glass. Add a splash of soda )optional* and decorate with the lemon peel. 1 Put the ice into a tumbler. Pourover the orange juice, vodka andgaliano and stir well. Decorate with the fruit. 1 Put the ice into a tumbler, pourover the whisky and ameretto andstir. 1 Put the ice into a tumbler, pourover the brandy and top up with the ginger ale. 1 Put the ice into a tumbler and pour over the vodka and amarettoand stir. 1 Put the ice into a tumbler and add the vodka. Top up with the grapefruit juice and add a pinchof salt before serving. 1 Put the ice into a glass and pour over the whiskey,vermouth and benedictine. Add the orange peel and stir. 1 Put the gin and vermouth into a glass and stir. Decorate with a cherry. 1 Put some ice cubes into a jug. Add equal parts of orange juice and champagne. Dont let the bubbles go up your nose. 1 Put ingredients into the shaker and shake briskly. Pour over icecubes into goblets. 1 Put ingredients into the shaker and shake briskly. Pour into glasses and serve. Put ingredients into a mixing jug and stir well. with a slice of orange. with the fruit. with a slice of lemon. with a twist of orange peel. with a twist of lemon peel Strain into glasses and serve. Pour into glasses and top up with soda water. with tonic water. with ginger ale. with orange juice. with coke-cola. Strain into glasses and top up Strain into glasses and decoratePour into glasses and decorate Pour over ice cubes and decoratePour over ice cubes and serve. with a cherry. with a black olive. with lemonade. Frost the glass rim with sugar. 1 Put all but the soda water into the shaker and shake briskly. Strain into glasses and top up with the soda water. 1 Put all but the port into the shaker and shake briskly. Serve in large glasses and top up withthe port. 1 Put all but the pineapple juice into the shaker and shake well. Strain into a tall, ice-filled glass and top up with pineapple juice. 1 Put all but the champagne into the shaker and shake briskly. Pour into glases and top up withchampagne. Decorate with orange peel. 1 Press any key... 1 Press ENTER or? 1 Pour the whisky and drambuie over ice into a tumbler. Serve with a twist of lemon peel. 1 Pour the drambuie into a glass and add the orange juice. Stir well, add a scoop of lemon sorbet and decorate with mint. 1 Pour equal measures of wine and soda water over ice in a goblet. 1 Pour a teaspoon of creme de cassis into a wine glass and topup with champagne. 1 Place the sugar lump into a glass and soak with the bitters.Add the brandy and top up with champagne. 1 Place the ice cubes into a small glass. Pour in the whiskeyand then the ginger wine. 1 Place the crushed ice into a brandy glass, add the brandy andbenedictine, and stir. 1 Pineapple Juice 1 Pinch of Salt 1 Peach Brandy 1 PINK TREASURE 1 PINA COLADA 1 PICCADILLY 1 Orange Curacao 1 Orange Bitters 1 Orange & Lemon Slices 1 ORANGE CLOUD 1 OLD FASHIONED 1 Number,Ingredient,B,F,I,O,P,T 1 Next Ingredient, or X)to list* 1 NIGHT LIGHT 1 NEW YORKER 1 Mix the syrup and bitters in theglass, add ice and then fill with whiskey. Decorate with the cherry and orange. 1 Mix the gin, vermouth and ice ina glass and add a dash of orangebitters )optional*. Decorate with a cocktail onion. 1 Maraschino 1 Maple Syrup 1 MOSCOW MULE 1 MONTE CARLO IMPERIAL 1 MONKEY GLAND 1 MINT JULEP 1 MARTINI )DRY* 1 MAPLE LEAF 1 MAIDENS PRAYER 1 Lime Juice 1 Lemon Sorbet 1 LITTLE PRINCESS 1 KING GEORGE 1 JAMAICAN DUDE 1 Irish Whiskey 1 Ingredients, 1 Ingredient not found. 1 Hello There! 1 HARVEY WALLBANGER 1 Green Chartreuse 1 Grapefruit Juice 1 Grand Marnier 1 Ginger Wine 1 Ginger Ale 1 GREEN ROOM 1 GRASSHOPPER 1 Fill a wine goblet with ice. Addsherry to just over half way andadd the curacao. Decorate with aslice of orange. 1 FLYING BOAT 1 FALLEN ANGEL 1 EMPIRE GLORY 1 EMBASSY ROYAL 1 Double Cream 1 DUTCH UNCLE 1 DRAMBUIE SHRUB 1 DEPTH CHARGE 1 Crushed Ice 1 Creme de Menthe 1 Creme de Cassis 1 Creme de Cacao 1 Creme de Banane 1 Copyright AUTOMATA UK Ltd. 1985 1 Coconut Cream 1 Cocktail Onion 1 Chill the glasses. Place severalsprigs of mint into a jug with the syrup and bitters. Bruise the mint and add the bourbon. Pack the glasses with ice and fill through a strainer. 1 Cherry Brandy 1 Carefully pour the guinness and then the champagne into a glass.Remember to leave room for the head! 1 CORPSE REVIVER 1 CHERRY RUM 1 CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL 1 Bourbon Whiskey 1 Blue Curacao 1 Blend, or shake, the ingredientswith half a cup of crushed ice. Pour into wide champagne glassesand serve. 1 Benedictine 1 BUCKS FIZZ 1 BRANDY GUMP 1 BRAINSTORM 1 BOURBONELLA 1 BOSSA NOVA 1 BOBBY BURNS 1 BLOODY MARY 1 BLACK RUSSIAN 1 BARBADIAN TSAR 1 Apple Juice 1 Amaretto di Saronno 1 ANGELS FACE 1 AMERICAN BEAUTY 1 A. A big, 1 8Lemon Juice 1 3 of 10 ( 1 2222222222222224422222222222222222222222222222244244222222222222222222222222222442442222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222211111111111111111111111111111122111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1 2 of 10 1 10 1 .025APZjkvw 1 ,Dry Vermouth 1 ,1235PQXZlqs 1 ,.9=DFKPWhv{} 1 +Orange Juice 1 +69;JSabdpr{ 1 *x\"v\*x\"v\ 1 *Angostura Bitters 1 (SINGAPORE SLING 1 (BROOKLYN BOMBER 1 &GOLDEN LINING 1 &Cocktail Cherry 1 &+4<DJLM[cemtuy 1 %Twist of Lemon Peel 1 %SATANS WHISKERS 1 %Grenadine 1 %CREOLE PUNCH 1 $ROYAL WEDDING 1 $BETWEEN THE SHEETS 1 $BEACHCOMBERS FIND 1 $)01MRTWou 1 #Slice of Orange 1 #PLANTERS PUNCH 1 #CHOCOLATE SOLDIER 1 "Sweet Vermouth 1 "MILLION DOLLAR 1 "MARTINI )MEDIUM* 1 "LITTLE NATASHA 1 "JOLLY ROGER 1 "COCO LOCO 1 "$/0GRZmnotz 1 !VANDERBILT 1 !SCARLET APPLE 1 !MARTINI )SWEET* 1 !BERMUDIANA ROSE 1 !Apricot Brandy 1 !-:BJX[_`biy~ 1 !%)9<?@ABCSY^_`bdgioprx~ 1 !%()1=@I^_epx~ 1 !#$379:GKRTYZdnotuz~ 1 your printer. 1 what cocktails can be made 1 lying around. 1 from the drinks that you have 1 and eats rocks? 1 X? Lists the cocktails that can be made from your ingredients. 1 White Rum 1 WOODSTOCK 1 T? To switch the tunes on 1 SILK STOCKINGS 1 PRINCESS BELLE 1 P? To copy the screen out to 1 JUNIOR JUDGE 1 I? To list all of the ingredients used in these cocktails. 1 F? To move the index of cocktails FORWARDS. 1 DAIQUIRI BLOSSOM 1 BRANDY SOUR 1 BRANDY ALEXANDER 1 BOSOM CARESSER 1 B? To move the index of cocktails BACKWARDS. 1 AN INGREDIENT? To find out 1 A NUMBER? To list a recipe. 1 1983 THRELFALL and HODGSON Compiled OK Program Length = bytes To run enter RAND USR " 1 &(*-./068>IJNeuz 1 $*,/168;<>?CJMST\]aghot{ 1 # AUTOMATA U.K. Ltd. 1985 1 "+,/BGKZ[`mqxyz 1 !"#$%'()*+,-./012345689:;<=>@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdeghijklmnopqrsuvwxy{|}~ 1 ZX COMPILER V2.0 1 1 1 1